Here's the Thing....
I am a writer. I love to write. But, as you can imagine, going through a huge life change has taken some of the joy out of my life. I stopped writing a parenting blog I had before because the wasband stopped paying the bill and didn't tell me. It went into default and I lost my site. He knew that I had put a lot of myself into it. At the time, I saw it as just an accidental forgetfulness. Now I see it for what it was--emotional abuse. My little blog was a creative outlet for me and I gained some exposure through it and met some other incredible parents of differently abled children. To top it off, after he left, I lost access to one of my email accounts as he took me off his office 365 plan (the family one we had). In order go gain access to another account, he deleted my email history from my blog. the whole email address and all the mail I had ever received was gone. He claimed it was the only way to get my other ...