Things that worked for me--Chump Lady
I don't know how I found Chump Lady , but I'm so glad I did! Some people find Chump Lady's language to be a deterrent, but I have to say that she says it like it is and I really needed that, especially at the beginning when I had so much anger. Think of Chump Lady as part Dear Abby and part best friend who will cuss out your ex and set your thinking right. People write and Chump Lady gives advice. She was a chump too, so she gets it. One of my favourite parts on her site is the UBT, Universal Bullshit Translator . The UBT translates the smarm that a chump receives, usually in the form of an email or text, into what the FW (you can look this one up on her site) is actually saying. After listening to BS for years, having someone break it down helps you to see it for what it really is, BS. Chump Lady let me know that I didn't have to buy into the reconciliation trope. I don't have to co-parent with my ex and have that perfect pos...