
Showing posts from October, 2020

Starting Over

I started writing this blog about 1 year into separation. Here we are at 3.5 years and I'm still separated, not divorced. There are a lot of reasons I'm not yet divorced, but I'm not going to get into it right now. The important thing is that I'm three and a half years closer to being me again. Healing is definitely a process and when you've spent 20 years in an unhealthy environment, it takes awhile to detox from the negative thought patterns and reactions. The thing is I finally feel like writing again. This is huge as writing has always been a passion and I haven't been interested in doing anything for quite some time. So here I am. The purpose of this blog is to share what separation and divorce looks like for me. Everyone's journey is different, but it can help to see other points of view. This is my story. I don't claim to represent any other person going through divorce. Just me. About Me: --I'm a forty-something woman in Can